

  FC1161 The Training Farm Fuss - 1961

Grandma Duck is visited by an unusually energetic Gladstone who wishes to use the farm's bull in order to promote his bullfighting career!

Without even bothering to ask Grandma's permission Gladstone takes away her bull to promote his own bullfighting career! But his dream of being a toreador ends abruptly as Grandma's good-natured bull refuses to play...


  WDCS251 Duck Luck - 1961

Donald's fortune cookie tells him to go home and go to bed. He doesn't pay any attention to it but he should...

Gladstone merely demonstrates his uncanny ability to find valuables where everyone else has failed.


  U$35 The Golden Nugget Boat - 1961

Scrooge and Gladstone enter a contest in Alaska to find the largest gold nugget. Gladstone's luck should help him win the contest...

Gladstone's unbelievable luck gets him a free trip to Alaska! Then he finds a large gold nugget...


  WDCS270 The Jinxed Jalopy Race - 1963

Donald wants to win the right to kiss the queen of the Mistletoe Ball - Daisy! He just has to win a car race first. But Gladstone is also racing...

Gladstone schemes to win by discrediting Donald! Cold-heartedly, he does so by trapping Donald to clean up a roadside which he himself has 'salted' first...


  WDCS277 The Duckburg Pet Parade - 1963

The Duckburgians are busy training their pets for the great parade. Donald feels confident that he will win first prize with his trained elephant...

Barks' primary characters are out in force displaying their individual animal. Gladstone competes with a kangaroo...


  WDCS288 Hero of the Dike - 1964

A small hole in Duckburg's dike is discovered and Gladstone runs for help while Donald puts his finger in the hole to close it up. Not a long term solution...

In fact, Gladstone is strangely thoughtless, because he quickly forgets his task and starts dancing with Daisy instead...


  U$54 The Billion Dollar Safari - 1964

Scrooge's zoo is failing and in order to get some more guests he will pay a billion dollars for a speckled elephant with a square trunk...

Needless to say that Gladstone finds one...


  WDCS294 Duck Out of Luck - 1965

Once again, Donald participates in the skaters' fishing race which has been won by Gladstone every year. But this time he stands a good chance...

...as Gladstone is barred from this year's race, because he always wins. Then he turns up in disguise!


  WDCS312 The Not-So-Ancient Mariner - 1966

Donald wins a free sea cruise and the lovely Daisy is on board as well. So is Gladstone...

In Barks' last story featuring Gladstone, he portrayed him differently just as he did in the premiere story 18 years prior. In this one Gladstone has transformed into a beatnik - but with his overall attitude intact. The last panels are highly surprising as well; Donald finally gets Daisy to himself, while Gladstone sits left out pitying himself. Exit Gladstone...


1948-1949 1950-1952 1953-1957 1958-1960 1961-1966




http://www.cbarks.dk/thegladstonestoriese.htm   Date 2008-10-18