Victor Arriagada Rios (called Vicar) was born in Chile in 1934. Barks once said that he saw Vicar as the artist who came the closest to his own drawing style. Since then Vicar has had a photo of his ideal in front of him at the drawing desk, and he salutes it every day! Furthermore, he often uses locales from Barks' Duckburg stories in his own panels.
Vicar usually draws the scripts of others. He always starts sketching the stories in the size of the comic books. That way he avoids making the details so small that they would not be fully visible in the end result. He is the most productive of the new duck artists and his drawing style is constantly improving.


D2008 (1971)
D2043 (1972)
D2041 (1973)

D2930 (1974)
D4660 (1980)
D6886 (1984)

D92351 (1994)
D96327 (1997)
D2001-043 (2001)   Date 2003-11-25