(Due to the slightly related main subjects in this page the diagrams sometimes partly overlap.)




Some of the titles for both one-pagers and stories could be interpreted in two ways.

FC0456 Something Fishy Here

A: Story about fish
B: Something suspicious

FC1095 Mixed-up Mixer

A: Story about cement mixing
B: Mixed-up = Confused

FC1095 His Shining Hour

A: Being admired by others
B: Spent time polishing shoes

MMA September Scrimmage

A: Engaging in a football match
B: Skirmish

U$22 Horseback Riding

A: Riding on the back of a horse
B: Riding back (returning)

U$31 Fishy Warden

A: Story about fish
B: Something suspicious

U$33 Thumbs Up

A: Acceptance, approval
B: Scrooge uses thumb as counterweight

U$39 Getting the Bird

A: Receiving a bird
B: Obscene gesture

U$61 Top Wages

A: Excellent salary
B: Being paid in toy tops

WDCS261 Medaling Around

A: Working to get a medal
B: (Meddling) = interfering

WDCS265 Raven Mad

A: Magica loves her raven
B: (Raving Mad) = excessively wild

(and U$38) Monkey Business

A: Story about brass monkeys
B: Silly or mischievous behaviour





Several of Barks' story titles are not quite straightforward to a foreigner who is not too familiar with English.
Below you will find a brief explanation of some of the more unusual titles (some of which even have double - or triple - meanings).

FC0159 Adventure Down Under

Down Under: Slang for Australia

FC0238 Voodoo Hoodoo

Voodoo: Sub-religion - Hoodoo: Bad luck

FC0300 Big-top Bedlam

Big-top: Circus - Bedlam: Madhouse

FC0318 No Such Varmint

Varmint: Animal of nuisance

FC0422 The Gilded Man

Gilded: Covered in metal leafs

FC1095 His Shining Hour

Shining hour: Being admired by others

FC1150 Small Fryers

Fryer: One who acts foolishly

FC1150 Ruling the Roost

Rule the roost: Be in charge

DD26 Hobblin' Goblins

Hobbling: Limping - Goblin: Trolls, elfs

MMA September Scrimmage

Scrimmage: Skirmish

U$09 The Tuckered Tiger

Tuckered: Exhausted

U$17 A Cold Bargain

Bargain: Good buy

U$27 His Handy Andy

Handy: Conveniently within reach

U$29 Oodles of Oomph

Oodles: Large quantity - Oomph: Vigour

U$31 All at Sea

All at sea: State of confusion and disorder

U$31 The Balmy Swami

Balmy: Eccentric - Swami: Religious man

U$32 Turnabout

Turnabout: Change in opinion or loyalty

U$33 The Big Bobber

Bobber: 'Dives' for apples (party game)

U$39 Getting the Bird

Getting the bird: Obscene gesture

WDCS262 Way Out Yonder

Yonder: A distant place

WDCS266 Stalwart Ranger

Stalwart: Resolute







http://www.cbarks.dk/thestorytitlesexpressions.htm   Date 2008-06-21