During the 1980s Barks made a number of idea sketches with the same main motif (an example is seen to the left). They were all based on the overall concept of his money lake paintings, but there are several major differences incorporating different layouts. Now the scene is set in Duckburg (the imposing Money Bin in the background is a dead giveaway), and the mood is much more cheerful. Scrooge takes a more active approach, Donald is relaxed, and the nephews are inside the rowboat seemingly fishing for valuables rather than coins.
After having painted the motif on cardboard (as seen to the right) in 1986 Barks finally abandoned the project that was never finished nor titled.








In 1986 Barks made his last money lake painting. It was titled Dam Disaster at Money Lake, and it was made as the 8th painting in his spectacular lithograph series that began in 1981 with the purpose of distributing detailed lithographs in limited editions to as many dedicated fans and collectors as possible. In Barks' own numbering system it received #131, and it was reproduced in 345 copies.
This time the basic idea was conceived from a half-page panel in the FC0386 Only a Poor Old Man story, in which Scrooge's dam breaks down, but with the dumbstruck ducks watching in close proximity (in the story they were running away). In the story the lake's name was never revealed, but in the painting - that was painted on Masonite - it finally received the logical name Money Lake.

The two major differences in the painting compared to the original half-page comic book panel shown above are that the ducks are present watching the catastrophe, and the tilting of the camera. In the panel we are watching from below causing us to get the feeling that we are in the middle of mayhem, but in the painting we are watching at a safe distance from above.






  Date 2013-11-22