As mentioned before Barks decided to add several pages to the story in order to fill an entire comic book. He later wrote to a friend: 'I soon found that the material wouldn't fill the 32 pages that were then the length of a feature, so I ad-libbed some extra stuff'. Barks did so by elaborating on existing ideas and by dreaming up new sub-plots.
An example from the first category would be that Barks introduced a goat. The basic reason being that Hazel needed the whiskers from a goat in order to produce her hideous magic brew, and they were just handed to her by the nephews without further ado. Barks showed how difficult it was for them to actually obtain the ingredient.
An example from the second category would be Barks' marvelous brainchild, the 6-armed cyclops Smorgasbord (Smorgie for short). He must have had a heyday inventing the complex ogre, and it will forever remain a mystery how he came up with the name that simply means Lunch Table in Swedish. Maybe he just thought it sounded good...

Barks' additions were not well accepted by his publisher. Barks wrote: 'Alice Cobb deleted the extra business and didn't pay me for the unwanted pages. She was that mad'. Luckily, all the cut pages were returned to Barks - otherwise they would have been lost!!!
In defence of Cobb's 'raid' it should be mentioned, that she was eager to have the comic book story follow the film, and that she thought 9 whole pages of non-cartoon material was too much of a deviation. Cobb even admitted that she liked the scenes with Barks' sexy vamp (Hazel in disguise), but she was not part of the film either, so...

Here you are presented to some of Barks' additional scenes that were all cut in the first issue.



The nephews visit a neighbour

Broom Beelzebub plays a larger part

The billy goat about to loose its whiskers

Don lassoes Hazel and retrieves his candy

A parade of ghosts and goblins approaching Donald's front door

Hazel transforms into a sexy vamp

Smorgasbord makes an entry

Donald hides behind a suit of armour




http://www.cbarks.dk/thehalloweenfilmadditions.htm   Date 2006-12-12