The European Tour


All suites are named after famous Disney
During his fantastic
European Tour in 1994, in which he visited no
less than 11 countries in 7 hectic weeks, Barks
also found time to visit Europe's Disneyland. It
is situated right outside Paris, and Barks stayed
at the luxurious Disneyland Hotel's finest room,
the Pinocchio Suite, for 4 nights from Thursday 7th
to Monday 11th of July. The time was spent
touring the park and chosen sites in and near the
7, 1994

Didier Ghez and Barks at the press
A long-time fan of Barks,
the French author Didier Ghez, later described
Barks' first day at EuroDisney (excerpt, see more
Selected journalists were allowed to meet Mr.
Barks during the afternoon in the Pinocchio suite,
one of the most luxurious of the Disneyland
Hotels. The morning had been dedicated to press
pictures featuring the Good Artist with Donald
and Daisy. Strangely enough Scrooge McDuck wasn't
part of the ceremonies. The rumour is that
Scrooge has never really been welcomed at Euro
Disneyland, since his presence in the park is a
symbol some people dislike.
Most journalists who met Carl Barks on that sunny
day came out of the suite amazed at the kindness,
good health and high spirits of this old genius
of a gentle man. During the discussion I enjoyed
that afternoon, Carl Barks admitted with a
mischievous smile that while he found Euro
Disneyland Paris a beautiful and extremely
detailed park, there weren't enough Ducks in the
shops. 'Mickey is everywhere', he said,
'but where are Magica de Spell, Gyro, or
Uncle Scrooge?'
10, 1994

The extras warming up... |

Just ducky... |
Barks was appointed Grand
Marshal of the Day conducting a parade to
commemorate Donald Duck's 60th birthday.
Initially, he was supposed to lead a team of real
live ducks down the Main Street, but the event
was cancelled in the last moment. In a letter
from May to his daughter Dorothy he wrote about
the upcoming event:
... Will be Grand Marshall of a parade in
Euro Disney in which 120 real white ducks march
with Donald's float quacking 'Happy Birthday to
You'. A Disney rep from Paris was just here and
assured me that the ducks really quack the words...
There can be little doubt that Barks drew a
sigh of relief when he heard about the
cancellation of the somewhat strange event! The
official explanation was that the heat wave that
day would have burned the ducks' feet...
Instead Barks was driven around with
Donald in an authentic 1918 fire engine from
which they could wave to the thousands of
spectators. At the end of the European tour Barks
was asked what he considered to be the highlights
of the tour and he answered: ... There were a
great many, but riding in the Grand Parade at
Euro Disneyland Paris in the fire engine with
Donald comes to mind...