From August 1996 to March 1997 Carl Barks produced 80 pastel drawings of his beloved ducks. It would have been a staggering feat for any younger and fully able-bodied person, but Barks was 95 years old! He had severe trouble with a tremor in his hands and deteriorating eyesight. Yet he managed to produce a series of detailed, action-filled, and funny pastels. A number of these are presented below complete with Barks' own titles. Observe that some of the drawings bear direct references to his earlier stories.



Pursuit of the Mummy's Ring

In the Footsteps of Pizarro

Hats off! The Flag is Passing By

Money Just Follows Him Around

Finders Keepers

Far, far Down Beneath the Ground

This isn't Our Day

In the Realm of the Gilded Man

Remind me to buy this Golf Course

Fortune Blowing with the Wind

Sir Christopher Wren, who was He?

To the High Pasture of Unicorns   Date 2003-08-25