None of the primary characters in Carl Barks' duck universe are as versatile and multifaceted as Donald Duck. He leads a life of success and failure, capability and incapability, elegance and bungling, and we have all witnessed his mood swings which span from unbelievable euphoria to suicidal tendencies. Add to the list that he is also helpful, reckless, tense, superficial, inconsistent, elusive, complex, sociable, egocentric, restless, changeable, ambitious, unreasonable, easygoing - and you have a few of the patches for the quilt that forms our beloved multifaceted Donald.

The sub-pages will take you through a fraction of this extremely complex Duck's character in greater detail and you will be presented to a mere three examples in each group. Bear in mind that you are only treated to a minor selection of traits; primarily due to Barks' inventiveness, interest and care Donald is just as multifaceted as we are - only much, much more!


               Date 2007-08-31