Carl Barks was during his long professional career often inspired by history, folklore, mythology, myths, and legends as well as The National Geographic Magazines from where he lifted many sceneries to be used for his Disney comic book stories and Disney oil paintings. But he also drew inspiration from a vast number of influencers from whom he used ideas that he then transformed into his own artwork.
This page attempts to present you to some of the more commonly known influencers in alphabetical order. They emerge in three sub-pages. It is important to acknowledge that all the influencer examples only is given short mentionings and this is also the case with the references to Barks' artwork.

One important influencer has not been mentioned - Barks! He did on more occasions influence himself(!), when he turned some of his film cartoons to stories and reused some of his old stories.

Focus on known influencers
Only limited examples from painting artists
There are several more influencers to choose from
No Disney employees included or National Geographic references
Some of the influencers have been given short, personal remarks from Barks (in Italic)
Most of the comic book artists made more series, but you are only treated to one example from each



B-D   F-K   L-S



  Date 2024-03-30