This is a page about Garé's only sibling Gwendolyn (Gwen). Not much is known about her - Garé did not keep many photos or any correspondence with her - but, apparently, she went through her life as a painting artist just as her more famous little sister.




Born in September 1907 (10 years before Garé)

Full name was Gwendolyn Carr Banning Williams

Married Lawrence (Larry) Wright

Had a daughter named Colleen

Death of Larry in 1995

Lived to be at least 88 years old

Died in Honolulu, Hawaii

Buried in Pali View Memorial Park on the island of Oahu


Late 1920's
In garden

Late 1920's
With Garé

Late 1920's
With pet dogs

Late 1920's
With dog friend

Late 1920's
With girlfriend

Late 1920's
With Garé

4 generations: Grandmother Charlotte, Mother Ethel, Gwen, Daughter Colleen



At age 10 Gwen actually met the world-famous actor Charlie Chaplin while he was out shooting a film in Hawaii. At the time he was in the middle of a feature film titled Shoulder Arms (premiered in 1918). Apparently, they had been playing with Gwen's pet guinea pig, a photo was taken (but has since been lost), and later the little girl had written to Chaplin in Los Angeles telling about the pet's untimely demise. This triggered a photograph (seen above) and a personal letter dated September 11, 1918, from Chaplin.
Here is an excerpt: ... It was certainly very kind of you to write me such a nice letter and send me a copy of the picture that was taken a year ago. ... Yes, I remember you and the guinea pig very well, and I deeply sympathize with you in its loss. ... I am just completing the second picture made since I was in Hilo. This one is named Shoulder Arms and is a war picture. I am sure you will think it more exciting than any of mine you have ever seen. ...

Coincidentally, Chaplin's mail arrived just in time for Gwen's 11th birthday, which must have thrilled her enormously, and to top it, there was a long article about the new friendship in the local newspaper with the header Chaplin Sends Hilo Girl Birthday Letter.
Gwendolyn was not likely to ever forget that particular birthday!