Garé had a good and steady income from her multiple oil paintings, most of which sold quickly. In fact, her income was for several years higher than that of her husband, Carl, because she was a workaholic who was able to produce stunning paintings at a rapid pace (Carl was a workaholic, too, but in those days comic book work was not as well paying as oil paintings).
But the basic income from selling her paintings was not the only source of earnings Garé had. She also earned quite a bit from royalties in connection with her paintings (you can see more on Carl's painting royalties
HERE). This page will present you to the main source for this sort of income namely information about her yearlong and fruitful connection with The Leanin' Tree Company in Colorado. Over the years the company purchased many of her paintings for their Western art museum, partly to exhibit them and partly to reproduce them as greeting cards. This was where Garé's royalties came in...





For many years Garé was one of the cornerstones in Leanin' Tree's production of greeting cards with motifs from the Western art scene. The cards (primarily aimed for use on holidays and birthdays) were made in thousands of copies and distributed in many parts of the country, and Garé was guaranteed between 3 and 10% in royalties of all wholesales and retail sales payable on a quarterly basis. This meant a steady flow of royalties for many years from each of the paintings that had been transformed into greeting cards.
Garé had made several royalty agreements with different greeting card publishing companies and galleries during the 1960s, but her first agreement with Leanin' Tree was established in December, 1969, and the contract included her newest painting Bullcreek Giants. A complimentary offer of 500 cards was provided for Garé as her personal cards (this was part of all the future contracts as well). The following month Garé signed the next contract, this time for two paintings: Last Days of Summer and Mountain Laurel Time.

Until she died in 1993, Garé was sent a quarterly letter including a royalty calculation worksheet pinning out how much money she had earned in royalties during the previous three months. Up to this time she had not had any more cards manufactured for several years, but there was still some small royalties coming in for the old series in the descending region of 170 to 35 dollars during the 1990s.

There was a choice of version when you bought a card; you could either have it with the flip side printed with relevant bonmots or quotations in connection with printed greetings for Christmas or birthdays, or you could choose the card with a blank flip side for use all year long.

Leanin' Tree and Garé had a mutually excellent business relationship for many years. This can be demonstrated from one small incident; for years the company had been sending Garé new contracts to substitute outdated ones, but one day Leanin' Tree proposed that the next contract should be free from a time limit. Garé agreed...

68-40 Bullcreek Giants
69-10 Last Days of Summer



Garé signed dozens of agreements with Leanin' Tree to have her paintings reproduced as greeting cards. Here are just two examples showing a bit of the diversity, in which the cards were published. In the first example Garé's painting Child of the Forest has been left untouched, and in the second example her painting The Winter Blanket has been reproduced with Leanin' Tree's lettering. All the cards were made for folding and the insides have been turned upside down for readability:

Front side
Flip side

Front side
Flip side



In 1975 Leanin' Tree introduced a new line called Sidekick Prints, in which they took up some of their most successful greeting cards and reintroduced them to the public for an unlimited edition for a period of 5 years. Garé was approached and she gladly agreed to participate in the project as it brought new life to old cards, as it were. Furthermore, the royalties for the new series was a wholesome and attractive 10% reflecting the new line's selling potential!
Over the years many of Garé's best selling painting cards were reintroduced in great quantities, but the highpoint was reached in 1991, when her 1969 painting Mountain Laurel Time was chosen as the best Leanin' Tree painting among a staggering total of 2,500 entries! To make things even more explosive, the card was distributed to all the US soldiers participating in the Gulf war taking place at the time in Iraq. Money was pouring in...

Mountain Laurel Time



In 1988 Leanin' Tree decided to take up a series of products that they had tried before, and Garé was approached. The product was a series of jigsaw puzzles based on paintings, and Garé signed a contract agreeing to make her painting Forest Cathedral a topic for the new line. The number of puzzles actually made is unknown, but Garé cashed in 3% royalties of all that were sold in either wholesale or retail. The payments were to be payable quarterly as long as the puzzle sold.

After Garé's death Carl was approached by Leanin' Tree about an Artwork License Agreement for Gift Bags as the contract was named. Carl signed it in October 1995, and it fetched in 3% of all revenues received from sales of gift bags displaying some of Garé's paintings. And in December 1998 Carl signed another contract titled Artwork License Agreement for Christmas Ornaments under the same conditions. Garé continued to make money even after her death...

Jigsaw puzzle
Christmas ornament