Garé got most of the ideas for new paintings from the thousands of sketches she made at different locations. This website has published several hundred examples of these sketches divided into numerous main groups, all of which you can browse via the Index page. But her ideas would spring from other sources as well. Here are some examples.




Garé would sometimes add a few comments to her sketches. These notes were partly made in order to support her memory of nature's colours as she saw them, and were sometimes added as suggestions for special features or colours that she dreamt up at the scene. Here are two roughly drawn sketch examples (there are more in the aforementioned sketch sections):




Garé would occasionally scribble down fragmental ideas on different scraps of paper when at home. Here is one example:



Photographer Garé searching for her next motif

Although Garé preferred to start her paintings by sketching the motifs, she also used another method; just as her husband Carl she was an avid photographer, and some of her painting ideas were triggered by nature scenes that she simply photographed. This did by no means indicate that she copied her photos into paintings (the very presence of animals, mostly deer, in the majority of her paintings is a dead giveaway), but when she faced more complicated motifs, snapshots were a much more appealing and detailed alternative. Here are some examples:


When at home Garé would sometimes arrange her snapshots in such a way that two or more photos would come together to form the basis for one painting. Here are a few examples of simple pairs: