Late in 1950 Barks was asked to produce a model sheet showing Western's artists how to draw the upcoming star Scrooge McDuck. Barks had invented the character a few years before and had already made several stories with the old miser, and now he was getting so popular that Western felt that other artists should contribute by also making Scrooge stories. Some of the first artists were Bob Moore, Carl von Buettner, and Paul Murry. Of course, Barks was the natural choice to produce the explanatory model sheet, as he was the inventor of the character. |
Western's Vice-President was a good friend of Barks and his wife Clara, so he 'surpassed' his editors (who were the natural choice to write a note of receipt) and wrote a letter, in which he expressed his joy over the model sheet and offered Barks double pay for it! |
And, sure enough, shortly after Barks received his generous pay for the model sheet as shown here in the remittance advice (better known as pay slip). | | Date 2011-03-16 |