You will hardly be able to find one Carl
Barks duck story without several imitative words. The impressive,
technical term for such appearances is Onomatopoeia which means
the use of sound imitating words such as Bam,
Bong, and Buzz
which are associated with the objects or the actions they refer
to. Barks used them frequently and they can be roughly divided
into two groups - A. words consisting of large, black letters and
B. the so-called outlined words meaning that the words have a
different shade inside their black outlines. This page will only
concentrate on the latter group.
You will notice how masterly Barks drew these outlined words and
how careful he was when using them; they are extremely diverse.
Take for instance one very straightforward main group from the
sub-pages named Explosions. A less dedicated artist would
probably use the word Boom
more or less consistently in order to illustrate an explosion in
his art but not Barks! He would walk the extra mile and use
several quite different terms! In the sub-pages you will find
many examples of Barks' inventive way of thinking and dreaming up
Imitative Words. | Date 2007-04-05 |